我被录取了... 现在?
Congratulations, and welcome to Penn State 新肯辛顿!
我们知道进入大学的过程是多么的难以承受, and that’s why we created this simple, step-by-step checklist to assist you. 不要犹豫 免费mg不朽情缘试玩 if you have any questions!
Step-by-Step Checklist
- Attend an Accepted Student 程序.
- Submit the FAFSA.
- Verify the processing of your FAFSA by reviewing the Student Aid Report (SAR).
- Receive your student aid award notification.
- Sign your Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note and apply for additional funding, if necessary.
- Respond to your offer of admission by paying the acceptance fee and general deposit.
- Take the online ALEKS placement test.
- Upload Your Immunization Records.
- 参与 New Student Orientation (NSO).
- Receive your semester bill electronically.
- Pay your semester bill.
- 参与 New Student Days (NSD).
Attend an Accepted Student 程序.
You will be invited to attend an Accepted Student 程序 你将在哪里有机会与学校的教职员工见面, 享受食物, 参观校园, 和其他被免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校录取的学生见面. Let's celebrate your achievements!
Submit the FAFSA.
We recommend that new students submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 一年级学生和转学生的申请截止日期为1月31日,返校学生的申请截止日期为4月15日. If you haven't already done so, 上网并使用免费mg不朽情缘试玩的联邦学校代码提交你的FAFSA 003329. FAFSA在学生开始上课之前的10月1日生效. **The 2024-25 FAFSA will be available in December 2024.
Verify the processing of your FAFSA by reviewing the Student Aid Report (SAR).
In order for your FAFSA to process and be sent to Penn State, you must verify that all the information is correct. A few days to a week after you submit your FAFSA online, you will be sent an email prompting you to log back into FAFSA的网站 to view your Student Aid Report or SAR. The SAR consists of all your answers to the FAFSA questions, 这是你验证自己没有犯错的机会. 一旦你确认所有信息都是正确的,你的FAFSA将处理并发送到免费mg不朽情缘试玩. It's important that you don't miss this step!
Receive your student aid award notification.
Beginning mid-February, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩向所有被录取的学生发出通知,告知他们正在接受的学生援助. After notifications begin, 根据学生完成FAFSA并被接受的时间,每周都会发送电子邮件. 我们很乐意回答你关于经济援助的任何问题. 父母 will need to have 授权访问 for us to answer specifics about the student's financial aid. 拨打724-334-6046或724-334-6047为财政援助部门.
Sign your Stafford Loan Master Promissory Note and apply for additional funding, if necessary.
如果你是通过联邦斯塔福德贷款借款,你将需要签署你的 Master Promissory Note before your loans disburse. First time borrowers will also need to complete the entrance counseling. 如果你发现你需要额外的资金,我们的办公室可以帮助你找到 private alternative loan sources 你可以探索. 当你完成这个过程时,重要的是要记住,我们是来帮助你的. 确保你 免费mg不朽情缘试玩 as questions arise.
Respond to your offer of admission by paying the acceptance fee and general deposit.
230美元的不可退还费用是你告诉我们你要来免费mg不朽情缘试玩的方式! We request that you pay your acceptance fee by May 1, but the sooner you commit, 你就能越早开始新的学生测试和咨询过程. You can pay your acceptance fee online through your MyPennState account.
Take the online ALEKS placement test.
三月开始, 已支付入学费用的学生将收到一封电子邮件,告知如何上网并参加考试 ALEKS math placement test. 在高中学过微积分的学生不需要参加ALEKS数学分班考试. (If you have AP credits, 请让学校寄成绩单或AP考试成绩,这样你的指导老师就可以安排你参加相应的数学和科学课程。).
If you did not have calculus in high school, you will be required to take the ALEKS math placement test. You can take the ALEKS test from home, and after we receive your scores, you will be prompted to select your New Student Orientation (NSO) 日期. 这个测试会让我们知道适合你的数学和科学课程. If you do not take the ALEKS test prior to NSO, 你将无法在国家统计局的咨询预约中安排数学和科学课程.
转学生可能需要也可能不需要参加ALEKS评估. If you're not sure if you need to test, contact the 学术 and Career Success Center.
Upload Your Immunization Records.
所有即将入学的免费mg不朽情缘试玩学生必须提供麻疹免疫证明, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹. In accordance with 宾西法尼亚 state law, 住在校内宿舍的学生还必须提供脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗(Menveo)的证明, Menactra, MCV4), which protects against infections caused by serogroups A, C, W和Y.
另外, 学校强烈要求所有学生接种COVID-19免疫(初级系列和加强).
提交:使用您的宾州州立大学访问凭证登录myUHS, 上传你的官方免疫记录的图片文件, 如果适用的话, any positive antibody titer blood test results.
免疫要求适用于大学公园校区和联邦校区的所有本科生和研究生,世界校区和大峡谷校区除外. Immunization records only need to be submitted once. For questions or more information, visit the University 卫生服务 website.
Some students, such as 本校 或者某些健康相关专业的学生可能会被要求提交免疫信息. 这些学生 还必须 submit official immunization records using the process below.
访问 http://studentaffairs.puckvonk.com/submit-immunizations to upload your medical record.
参与 New Student Orientation (NSO).
New Student Orientation (NSO) 会向你介绍免费mg不朽情缘试玩的学术和社会方面吗. 在你交了录取费并参加入学考试之前,你将无法参加入学指导和日程安排 ALEKS math placement test (如适用). 请访问 取向.事业单位.edu/participate for the latest information
Receive your semester bill electronically.
Your bill will be generated once you schedule courses. 学费 is not officially set until July, 账单从8月开始发放,开学第一天就该交了. There is a complete list of bill due 日期s online via the 财务主管的网站. 您将能够在线查看和打印账单,设置付款计划并批准 授权费用. You'll also learn how to go through this process during New Student Orientation (NSO).
Pay your semester bill.
You can make bill payments in several different ways. 有关付款选项,付款计划和批准付款方式的列表,请访问 财务主管的网站. 你可以在网上支付你的账单,你也会学习如何做这件事 New Student Orientation (NSO). 您可以直接致电724-334-6023与免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿财务处联系,询问您的任何问题.
参与 New Student Days (NSD).
New Student Days (NSD) are the final two days of the 取向 process. These two days include New Student 学术 Convocation, academic program meetings, 团队建设和小组研讨会由教师和新生指导领导. 你将有机会见到所有的新生,看看免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的生活是什么样的. 新生日通常在八月开学前一周举行, and is a required event for first year students. Throughout the summer, 您将收到有关迎新和相关活动的具体日期和时间的信息.